Keep Calm and have a crush! ;-)

Crush- A feeling so simple yet so complicated.

If you Google, it says “A brief but intense infatuation for someone, especially someone unattainable”. Duh!! Seriously? Brief, Intense, Infatuation, Unattainable that’s too much complication for a sentence alone.. forget about reality.

Most of the times our crush is a person in our head who never exists. Of course we point to a particular person as our crush but the reality is we are only pointing to physical aspect of a person. When we get attracted to a trait of person to the core we start thinking about him. Now we start building personality of that person in our head with all the perfections we want in them and tadaaaaa!!! here is the person who is a perfect 10!. Admit it!that guy might be a douche bag but he is your crush, all thanks to the bubble you have created.

There is nothing wrong in it till it makes you happy and you don’t try to touch that bubble. There is thin line between crush and love. When you love a person you embrace them with all the perfections and imperfections. All the highs and lows, with their agony and pain. However your crush is someone just meant for you. A perfection that you are looking for and that’s the reason having a crush is most beautiful feeling in life.

But we greedy humans never settle for happiness that we have we always want more. You are asked not to touch the bubble or your fantasy world will shatter but you will do it. This brings us to a stage where we start getting obsessed to that person, totally forgetting that the crush is not that person but it is in our head. We chase them until we scare hell out of them and they give up. For a brief moment we have that happiness of victory and having that perfect one in your life. Look around yourself ,that’s the process that mostly happens. Crush turns to lovers turns soul mates. Then why do they fail? Given your crush was your “perfect one” a “tenner” to say.

No one can hurt you for having a crush other than yourself. There is a reason they are called crush and not love. Be it in your teenage or in your 50s, crushes are supposed to give you that giggle when someone tickles you in tummy. They give you a smile without any actual reason and we know it well. Then why don’t we enjoy it and be happy rather we start looking for reason for not being happy by forcing our crush to be in our real life. And when we do that our crush literally crushes us and trust me we don’t want to learn Homonyms like that: P.

Some things are not supposed to make any sense they are just meant to make us happy.

So just hum the song and move on…

“Is it real! Or just another crush…..” 😉

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